1:10 0000 scale Vector data - Ordnance Survey Vector Map Local derived - GIS format (GML / GeoPackage / SHP / GeoTiff) CAD format Vector (DWG / DXF)
10k Vector data for CAD - Ordnance Survey Vector Map Local derived - Overview
From Aberdeen to Zennor, whenever you need accurate and reliable geographical information, OS VectorMap Local supports your decisions in a CAD compatible format:
- Designed for use with CAD (DXF or DWG format) or GIS software (GML or GeoPackage format)
- OS Mid-scale Vector Data in a layered vector format
- Produced using Official Autodesk® Software so no more strange errors when opening in CAD (DXF or DWG format)
- Georeferenced - meaning that the internal coordinate system of the data related to a geographic coordinate system (UK National Grid)
- Optional height layers (contours @ 5m intervals - DXF or dwg)
- Unlimited outputting (eg PDFs) from CAD of any scale within the selected licence term